Change Log prior to version 1.00

0.50 - Initial Release
0.51 - Parameterize overall log location in variable
0.52 - Clean up GetDescription logic
0.53 - Fix separator bug in BuildRunLinks.cls
0.59 - Add M support for LOB-SIZE and LOB-BYTES
       - Support TABLE-TRIGGER
       - Support N separate DBs with their own schema
       - Support DB in table links
       - Support DB Connect params (including live DBs)
       - Fix potential bug in destructor
0.60 - Support sequences in .df
0.70 - Modify path utilities to better handle Windows drives.
       - Shift to support multiple sort and run directories
       - Change DiskFile.chSourceDirectory to DiskFile.chBaseDirectory.
       - Add fields to CompileUnit for RCode, Xref, List, and Debug base directory.
       - Add SchemaUtilites class to centralize MetaDB Name logic.
       - Add FindTableForBuffer method in SchemaUtilities.cls to match buffer
          names to tables with potential site customization.
0.71 - Add handling for encrypted source
0.72 - Add handling for reverse slash in .df triggers
0.73 - Add support for SA fields in table and column schema
0.74 - Add support for CLOB-* properties in .df
0.75 - Corrections for \, <> "", and "*.cls"
0.76 - Speed enhancements to BuildBlocks.cls
0.77 - Accommodate large line numbers in BuildBlocks.cls
0.78 - Add FOREIGN-NAME and LABEL-SA in BuildSchemaDF
0.79 - Page size and width options in CompileDirectoryTree
0.80 - Index instead of entry in BuildBlocks.cls
0.81 - Shift BuildTableLinks structure to handle class references that look like
          database references
0.82 - Add optional DB alias handling