
use MESSAGE only in debug-mode

Rule "message" gives this warning when it finds a MESSAGE statement, except if the MESSAGE statement is found in ADM or ADM2 includefiles or
if the MESSAGE statement was generated by the Application Builder (like the message that says that the specified .wrx could not be found).

the risc:

Many frameworks are using alternative error handling functions not including the MESSAGE ... VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX statement, like dialogs with context-sensitive help or built-in logging functionality.
In organizations where such frameworks are used, it is usually forbidden to use the MESSAGE statement and use the alternative instead; this rule helps to enforce this.

While debugging a program it is common practice to place some MESSAGE statements in the source. Unfortunately, programmers sometimes forget to remove some of those MESSAGE statements
at deployment.

how to solve this:

If it's a MESSAGE statement used for debugging, just delete the statement.

Else, replace the MESSAGE statement by a call to your error handling function.

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(message)} directly before
the MESSAGE statement.
See also: suppress warnings.