
Abbreviation of table &1 used (&2)"

Rule "abbrevtable" gives this warning when it finds an abbreviated table name.

FOR EACH custome NO-LOCK:  /* abbreviated "customer" to "custome" !! */
    DISPLAY custome.customer-name.  

the risc:

The abbreviated table name may become ambiguous after you add a new table to the database. In the example, imagine someone adds table "custome" to the schema...

known issues:

This rule does not run in Progress version 8. If you run Prolint in Progress 8, this rule will simply do nothing.

The rule only looks at actual table names, not field names. For example:

FOR EACH custome NO-LOCK:  /* this will be noticed */
    DISPLAY custome.customer-name.  /* but this will not be noticed!! */

how to solve this:

Do not use abbreviated table names.

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put the directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(abbrevtable)} directly before
the statement. See also: suppress warnings.