In order to provide users of The OpenEdge Hive with a more complete catalog of materials, the OE Hive aggregates materials from other Progress related websites and creates pages within the OE Hive catalog to make them easy to find. These pages provide information on the material and a link back to its original source so that users are guaranteed to find the most recent version. As pages are added, they are categorized into the main OE Hive catalog to make them easy to find. This listing is to provice a complete listing by source.
JSON Parser for Progress ABL is a "wrapper" for the cJSON parser - ultra-lightweight, portable, single-file, simple-as-can-be ANSI-C compliant JSON parser.
The reader object can be used to load and parse a JSON string from either a file on the file system or from a character, longchar or memptr variable.
PSDN Code Share is a service provided by Progress Software Developer's Network to allow the sharing of source code with other developers. The OE Hive has aggregated these offerings on the Hive to assist searchers in finding material through a common structure. Material which is already hosted by OE Hive has been deleted from this aggregation.
Chronological list of all aggregated items
Topical list of all aggregated items