PSDN Code Share

PSDN Code Share is a service provided by Progress Software Developer's Network to allow the sharing of source code with other developers. The OE Hive has aggregated these offerings on the Hive to assist searchers in finding material through a common structure. Material which is already hosted by OE Hive has been deleted from this aggregation.

Chronological list of all aggregated items

Topical list of all aggregated items

Items won't be refreshed. If you have published an article at PSDN Code Share and we import it, and later you edit the original article at PSDN, then the modifications won't be synchronized to the Hive. The reason for this is that we have chosen the original URL to be the unique key, and the article won't be imported because we already have the key on file. If we would choose the modification Date as key, then we would import the modified item but unfortunately without deleting the old one.