custom Help

When you create a custom Prolint rule you may also want to provide a Help file.

When your custom rule has id "xyz" then simply drop a file "xyz.htm" in directory "prolint/custom/help/rules".
When no custom help file is found, Prolint will try to open topic "xyz" at

This snippet from prolint/outputhandlers/logwin.w explains why:

  FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = "prolint/custom/help/rules/":U + pContext + ".htm":U.
     fullpath = file-info:FULL-PATHNAME.
     fullpath = "":U + pContext.

  RUN prolint/core/openhtml.p(fullpath).

I think this is a simple yet effective method, but differs greatly from Prolint release 65 and earlier.

In Prolint <66 all help files were deployed as static htm files in directory "prolint/help", and for custom help you would write ".htxt" files in the "prolint/custom/help" directory and use the "Rebuild help" button to merge those files into the static htm files.

The reason why I prefer to open a live page at, is because of its "open" spirit: you and everyone else can easily add comments to the help topics for everyone's benefit and improve the existing help.