Prolint Source Overview

All tests are performed by "rules", these are programs in directory prolint/rules.
This is where the actual knowledge about Progress source code review is implemented.

Each test is implemented in one rule, one rule implements one test.

All output is handled by outputhandlers, these are programs in directory prolint/outputhandlers.
An output handler receives results from rules and writes them to something else: for example to a window, to a
textfile in arbitrary format, to a pipe, to a database, whatever.

Customizing prolint will most likely mean: adding new rules and/or outputhandlers. If you do, please submit your customizations to
this Prolint Open Source project.

The invocation of the rules is coordinated by prolint/core/prolint.p.

You could basically summarize prolint.p to something like:

   for each outputhandler:
      run value(outputhandler) persistent.
      /* each outputhandler subscribes to prolint messages */
   for each sourcefile:
      for each rule:
          run value(rule) (input sourcefile).
          /* each rule publishes prolint messages */

prolint.p is designed to run silently: it does not ask questions, it does not display anything.
It gets all its information from input parameters and configuration files, it sends all its output to outputhandlers using publish/subscribe.

Input parameters for prolint/core/prolint.p are gathered by prolint/launch/start.p, which has no input parameter by itself.

prolint/launch/start.p invokes dialog prolint/core/selectfiles.w where an end-user can select files in a GUI dialog.

If you press button "Lint files" in the Results window, you actually
just run prolint/launch/start.p. If you would run the dialog directly, the dialog
would stay visible during the execution of prolint/core/prolint.p.

Variations of prolint/launch/start.p are no-brainers, see for example
prolint/launch/test.p which tells prolint.p to run a regression test on itself.

An outputhandler is a persistent procedure, launched by prolint.p, that receives information from prolint.p or from rules, because it is subscribed to
messages that are published by prolint.p and by rules. An outputhandler typically writes messages to a logfile. Different outputhandlers
can be used to write different file formats, even simultaneously. The Prolint results window (prolint/outputhandlers/logwin.w) is really just an outputhandler.

Because most rules do basically the same thing in different
variations, they can all use a set of ip's in prolint/core/lintsuper.p.

Lintsuper.p is attached to each rule as a super-procedure, although it is not constructed such that lintsuper.p is
a base ancestor rule-class where rules are inherited classes - it's better to regard lintsuper.p as just a regular support library where the
'super' option is used for programming pleasure.