Roundtable integration

Prolint and Roundtable are integrated in several ways:

  1. Populate the "select files to lint" dialog with sourcefiles from the current RTB task
  2. Custom menu-items and button on the Roundtable Tabletop enable you to easily invoke Prolint.
  3. Prolint can validate sourcefiles before they are checked-in, and disallow check-in if the sourcefile contains specific lint warnings


The sourcefiles where the integration is implemented are located in directory "prolint/roundtable" with subdirs for each different Roundtable version

dialog "Select files to lint"

This dialog contains a button "RTB task", which is only visible if the Roundtable database is connected. When you choose this button, the browse widget
will be populated with all the objects in your currently selected Roundtable-task.

(finding those objects is implemented in source prolint/roundtable/x/taskfiles.p)

Menu-items and button on Roundtable Tabletop

Three new menu-items have been added to the "Tool"-menu in Roundtable:

  1. "Prolint selected object": launches Prolint and have it analyze the currently selected object
  2. "Prolint selected task": launches Prolint and analyze all the objects in the currently selected task
  3. "Configure Prolint": launches the Prolint Configuration window so you can adjust settings before you analyze any sourcefiles

A new button is added to the Tabletop, next to the "Visual Diff" button. This new button behaves similar to menu-item "Prolint selected object".

These buttons and menu-options invoke Prolint using a profile named "roundtable run".
Except when the Roundtable Check-in Validation feature is also enabled, because then it will invoke Prolint using the "roundtable check-in" profile.

For this to work, you need to customize the event handler in Roundtable. This is easy, but the procedure is different depending on which Roundtable version you are using.

When you are using Roundtable 9.1a or 9.1b or 9.1c then go to the Roundtable directory, find sourcefile rtb_evnt.p and add this single line to it:


When you are using Roundtable 10.1b then go to the Roundtable directory, find sourcefile rtb_events.p and add this line to it:


Please see prolint/roundtable/custom for working samples of modified rtb_events.p.

Roundtable Check-in Validation

This powerfull feature allows you to enforce that objects meet specific standards, implemented in Prolint rules.
If the feature is enabled, Prolint will validate objects whenever they are checked-in, and will abort the check-in process if specific warnings are discovered.

More information about this feature on page Roundtable Check-in Validation