Progress X Libre Office (Calc)

Good afternoon.
It is possible to generate a file (Calc) of LibreOffice, through a progress program?
Someone would have an example.
It can be basic to use as reference.
Thank you.

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OpenOffice Python script

Funny, I just started looking into this a few days ago! :)

Here's what I found so far:

1. I'm using OpenOffice 4.1.2, but generally it should be the same

2. OpenOffice (and LibreOffice) come with Python installed, and the module, which implements the bridge

I attached my step-by-step notes to get it working (Adjust the paths and script names, of course...)

Note: the -accept... in the soffice call might need to be either in single quotes or double-quotes... just try one should work...

I also attached my py script - it basically opens a data csv-file, which was created by progress app, and for each row in the data-file it assignes the values to a prepared spreadsheet (template), then saves that spreadsheet under a particular name (sponsorId) as excel spreadsheet...

It is a draft; it works, but needs to be cleaned up...

Hope this helps... let me know if you need any more info...

I still haven't called the script from within progress, but I think a simple OS-COMMAND statement should do the trick...

tmh at Smat-Consulting dot com

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python.txt1003 bytes
cashResource.py_.txt4.2 KB