To get OpenOffice and Python setup and working follow these steps: (note: adjust the paths accordingly) 1. Install OpenOffice 2. (My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Vairables) a) Add open-office's program directory to new environment variable PYTHONPATH for example: C:\OpenOffice4.1.2\program b) Add location of Python.exe to PATH for example: C:\OpenOffice4.1.2\program\python-core-2.7.6\bin 3. try python: a) in command prompt window type python b) if python comes up, type: import uno c) if no error-message, then python is ready! Hurray 4. start openIOffice, to get the initialization process completed 5. in command prompt window start openOffice service manager soffice.exe -calc '-accept=pipe,nam=tmh;urp;StarOffice.Servicemanager' 6. on command prompt call python providing as script to execute for example: python E:\nancy\workspace113\sfs\cashResource\system\