Error "r:\xxxxx\yyyy" is a directory (463)

Source code is in r:\xxxxx\yyyy

This error occurs when trying to prolint a file from AppBuilder 9.1E. The run completes and gives results.

It appears when testing rule "nonestinc".

Stack trace shows:
AbFindSections prolint/filters/ignoreab.p

This error has only occurred since the update to Prolint72 and new proparse.

Any ideas?

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re: Error "r:\xxxxx\yyyy" is a directory (463)

No, I have no idea. Rule "nonestinc" has not changed since its first release, and this particular rule does not use Proparse at all (it just reads the compile listing file).

The error is probably caused when the sourcefilename parameter in "RUN PublishResult" is blank or the unknown value.
In rule "nonestinc", this sourcefilename parameter is calculated by private function getStack() in nonestinc.p, so I guess this function is returning a blank. You'd need more info, like the listing file and the line number in the listing file, to trace how this went wrong.

It's a pretty complex piece of code. Personally I guess I would rather read the XREF file to see if there is an INCLUDE operation inside an include file, but I actually I don't see a reason why nested includes are not allowed so I don't bother.

re: Error "r:\xxxxx\yyyy" is a directory

Ok turning off this rule solves my problem. It's not a rule I had noticed until I got the error.