Sharelock rule


Whilst using Prolint the sharelock rule is causing an error due to this line of code -

COPY-LOB FROM gmResponse STARTING AT iStartByte FOR (iEndByte - iStartByte) TO mBinaryFile.

We are using this rule as an error when checking in code in Roundtable(10.1.b03). I've changed the ini file to get around it and I suspect this use of "FOR" won't be widely used but just wondered if anyone else had encountered this.



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jurjen's picture

fixed (rule sharelock, and rule nowhere too)

the COPY-LOB issue is fixed in rule "sharelock" and in rule "nowhere". You also need to download the new build of turbolint.dll for the 3GL implementation of rule "nowhere":

jurjen's picture

unit-test for sharelock rule

Hi Matt,
Could you please give me a piece of sourcecode with the above copy-lob statement, but without any compiler errors (e.g. with define variable statements etc) so I can investigate why the sharelock rule gives a false positive, and fix it, and add it to the unit-test samples for Prolint.