Issues for Proparse Project

SummaryStatussort iconPriorityCategoryLast updatedAssigned to
PUBTest unit test fails with current APIfixedminorbug report8 years 5 weeks
Format option of STRING function is not yet supporactiveminorbug report11 years 33 weeks
Buffer handle parse erroractivenormalbug report11 years 14 weeks
Procedurename with number and @activenormalbug report10 years 21 weeks
trim function in preprocessor directiveactivenormalbug report10 years 13 weeks
GET does not require parensactivenormalbug report10 years 6 weeks
DBTYPE function in preprocessor expression causes activenormalbug report9 years 25 weeks
proparsing adm2/browser.pactivenormalbug report8 years 45 weeks
parsing fails for buffer on temp-table if table wiactivecriticalbug report8 years 45 weeks
XML-NODE-NAME not recognizedactivenormalbug report6 years 22 weeksjohn
.net proparse is hung when meets 12 nested IF...THactivenormalbug report6 years 37 weeksjohn
proparse does not allow parentheses after publish/activenormalbug report6 years 22 weeksjohn
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