Upgrade to Drupal 5, but what about module og2list?

Don't begin to upgrade until og2list is stable
0% (0 votes)
We don't need og2list. Upgrade to Drupal 5 and forget og2list
0% (0 votes)
Upgrade to Drupal 5 now without og2list, add og2list later
0% (0 votes)
Upgrade to Drupal 5, hope the HEAD revision of og2list is good enough
100% (3 votes)
Total votes: 3


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jurjen's picture

og2list?? what's the question?

This website is built on Drupal 4.7 core plus some extra Drupal modules. We would like to upgrade to Drupal 5, but cant until all those modules are Drupal 5 ready, or unless we decide to drop modules that are not Drupal 5 ready.

The only module that has not been ported to Drupal 5 yet is

Og2list is the module that handles a mailing list for every group. You know, when someone posts anything to a group, then every member of that group (who has email notification enabled) receives an email through og2list. And when someone replies to such an email, og2list creates a new comment on the website and sends that to every member too.

It sure is a cool module. But considering that not many people seem to have enabled email notifications, I wonder if we can drop it.

john's picture

Try it?

I think that giving it a try in staging is another option. OG2List was an enormous investment, and I'm very happy I did it. I really like using it. It wasn't considered 'stable' at the time I installed it, and I'm not really surprised that it's not considered stable now.

My current project should wrap up (I hope) by the end of this month. Maybe in September I'll have some time to try Drupal 5 in staging, and see if og2list works. Since it's open source, I imagine that we'd be able to force it to work. :)

jurjen's picture

or maybe og2list just works already

See http://drupal.org/node/153645 : the HEAD revision of og2list works with Drupal 5.1 says to damien_vancouver.