where is the download?

Project:Procedure Manager

The "procedure manager" project page ( http://www.oehive.org/project/proc-manager ) does not offer a means to download the procedure manager. There is a link to the Subversion repository, but that does not help when you just want to get a copy of the released product.


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So I'm supposed to upload the "released" product, as well as update the SVN repository?

The repository and the release is one and the same.

jurjen's picture


Status:active» closed

No I am not trying to tell you what you are supposed to do.
When I want a copy of the procedure manager, I will use a Subversion client and try to guess the address of the repository with some trial and error. I assumed that you just had forgotten to give your audience a hint, and figured that you would appreciate a reminder about it. Sorry. I will close this issue.


Sorry - I can see where that comment could seem a bit snippy.

What I meant was that I was under the impression that putting the code in the SVN area was enough. If the issue is that the repository's svn address isn't as clear or easy to navigate to as it could be, and there's a place to put that link in, let me know what I need to do and I'll get it done.

There currently isn't a "release" zip file for this project, although I suppose I could grab one of the other zip files out there and attach it to this project.

jurjen's picture


Oops, I got to work on my communication skills.

Anyway, I think I would use the description in the project page to tell visitors that they can always get the most recent code from the Subversion repository, by using their favourite Subversion client to Export the following url: "svn://oehive.org/procmgr/trunk/utl/ppmgr" (if that's the correct url). Personally I would (also) attach a zip file, because it is visitor-friendly for people who don't happen to have a Subversion client handy. In the Prolint project I have added a separate "download" page just for the purpose of publishing the zip file, or actually installer exe, but that's just because I wanted to spend some words on revision history and so on. The possibilities are endless, but in any case I would not make it too complicated for your visitors to get the stuff. User satisfaction begins with a quick and easy download.

I wish our Subversion web server (at http://websvn.oehive.org) would have the built-in option to zip and download entire folders. That would make things so much easier, because then you would only have to know the URL of that download link and publish it somewhere or everywhere on the project page. But unfortunately that does not seem to be possible (yet). I hope we will get there.

jurjen's picture


Good news: it IS possible to download directly from websvn! Websvn now has a "Tarball" link on every directory. The url for ppmgr is:


Now you can just publish this link, and don't have to maintain a copy in a zip file. Cool!