trouble with gmail

I am having trouble with gmail: incoming messages are fine but messages that I have sent since 17 January have not been delivered. Sorry John, Tamhas and Robert Mirro and others who may wonder why I never write :-)

gmail is now (since 1/17) using authenticated SMTP over SSL. I did not know that, and I can't figure out how to configure it on Linux...

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re: trouble with gmail

some more details, hoping somebody knows how I can fix this...

I am using Windows Outlook, in a home network which connects to the outside world through a Linux server (running SME 7.0). SME transparently intercepts all traffic. When Outlook sends an email to it gets intercepted by the Linux box, checked for viri or other mayhem and finally qmail (yes that's a q) should deliver the message at This used to work without problems, but not anymore because gmail has recently changed their smtp server. It now uses SSL and requires authentication. I can configure the port and username/password in Outlook, but SME still intercepts the message and tries to forward it to and that fails because qmail can't connect to that server. I don't know how to fix that.

I could tell Outlook to send the email to a different (unsecured) smtp server, but I am afraid that many spam filters will reject my mail when the originating address does not match with the server.
