"wrong usage of ASSIGN..WHEN..statement" rule too restrictive

Project:Prolint Issue Tracker
Category:bug report
Status:won't fix

(originally issued by dlauzon)

I get this notification ("wrong usage of ASSIGN..WHEN..statement") when I use something like:

lLogical = FALSE WHEN lLogical = ?

Since the variable in the WHEN is on the same line, it's evident that it uses the value of the variable as it was before the ASSIGN, it's not confounding as if I had:
lLogical = ?
lLogical = FALSE WHEN lLogical = ?

It's not different then with a non-ASSIGN.
If I have:
cSomeVar = cSomeVar + "hello".
I know that the right cSomeVar is the value of cSomeVar prior to this line.


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jurjen's picture

agreed, but complicated

Thanks, I agree it is too restrictive, but it will be quite difficult to fix. Back to your example:

   lLogical = FALSE WHEN lLogical = ?

Having lLogical on the same line is not really a good filter, see following example:

   lLogical = TRUE.
   lLogical = ?
   lLogical = FALSE WHEN lLogical = ?

Ok it is a bit far fetched, but I think it illustrates the complexity of the algorithm :-)

tamhas's picture


Being on the same line may indicate programmer intent, but it doesn't matter to the compiler.

I guess I would wonder why you want to write code like this instead of

If iLogical = ? THEN iLogical = FALSE.

which is so much clearer.

jurjen's picture


Assigned to:Anonymous» jurjen
Status:active» won't fix

Won't fix this, because I would not know how. Sorry.

jurjen's picture


Assigned to:jurjen» Anonymous
Status:won't fix» active

Tim Townsend wrote:

Is it really that hard? I would think it would just be:

for each variable-or-field-referenced-in-when-clause:
  if can-find(first assign-target where assign-target.assign-stmt = this-assign-stmt and
              assign-target.line-num lt this-line-num) then
    message "Houston we have a problem".

IOW, we are looking for fields that are referenced in a when clause and that are assigned a value on a previous line in the same assign statement, since that is the case where Progress' behavior is not what you might expect. Or maybe I'm missing something, it's happened before. :)

jurjen's picture


Priority:normal» minor
Status:active» won't fix

I am not interested in fixing this, but if someone else would like to give it try...