Select files to lint

[procedure: prolint/core/selectfiles.w, invoked from prolint/launch/start.p]

This dialog allows to select one or more sourcefiles
to lint. You can also select one or more directories:
Prolint will automatically scan directory-contents
looking for *.p and *.w (recursing into subdirectories
as well).

editor widget:

Type a list of filenames to lint, one filename on each line.

If you are using Progress 9 GUI you can use drag/drop to throw a bunch of sourcefiles into the editor widget.

toggle-box "Clear Outputhandlers":

When on (true), then all existing results will be cleared from the Results window. Other outputhandlers will also start a new, empty output.

When off (false), then new results will be appended to already existing results in the Results window. Other outputhandlers are also supposed to append results to existing output.

button "RTB task":

This button is invisible unless the Roundtable database is connected (visible=CONNECTED("rtb")).

When pressed, the editor widget will be populated with all sourcefiles for the currently selected Roundtable task.