Use template PDF file multiple times.

Project:PDF Include project
Category:feature request

I have a Invoice PF template that I use for generating digital invoices to be e-mailed to our clients.
I have an performance issue, because of the loading of the pdf template.

For every invoice I want to generate, the PDF template is loaded. After issuing a pdf_close, the temp tables containing the template information are cleared and I have to reload the template file.

Is it possible to issue a pdf_close, so the pdf-invoice is written to disk and then continue with the next invoice by using pdf_new?
But WITHOUT having to load the template file again.


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Assigned to:Anonymous» jice


This would indeed be a very good idea to implement.

For this use case, we could think of a pdf_close2 with new options, like one not to wipe the information about the loaded template, thus being able to reuse it as-is from a new stream (with the same name). This would be the easier way.

first time:
run pdf_new("spdf", ...)
run pdf_open_PDF("spdf", ..., "myTemplate").
run pdf_use_PDF_page("spdf", "myTemplate", 1).
run pdf_close2("spdf", "keepExternal=myTemplate")

next times:
run pdf_new("spdf", ...)
run pdf_use_PDF_page("spdf", "myTemplate", 1).
run pdf_close2("spdf", "keepExternal=myTemplate")

plus may be a clean-up procedure at the very end.

I have to think about a way to generalize it a little bit, like using the same template for more than one stream without reparsing it.

Would you be interested by such a feature?




Well, I would like to see that.

I'm glad you're still maintaining PDFInclude.

pauldfixr's picture


Dittos to the yes. This would be a useful feature. I was a bit chapfallen at the overall lack of apparent performance of the reporting output, so anything to improve performance, even of the form filling/form reuse use-cases would be most welcome.


This has been implemented in v5. It allows to spare a lot of time indeed when generating multiple reports all with the same pdf template.
Contact me privately if you wish more details and the conditions.