Problem org.prorefactor.refactor.RefactorException: unexpected AST node: STREAM "stream" - Prolint 74

Project:Proparse Project
Category:support request

I have a source that compiles but when I run it through Prolint I get a warning?
What is wrong and how can I prevent this warning?

This is a simplefied piece of code (this compiles but gives the same warning when running through Prolint 74)

def temp-table tt1 no-undo
  field Number as int.

define stream s-export.

def var v-NMexp as char no-undo.
def var htt  as handle no-undo.

output stream s-export to value(v-NMexp).
htt = temp-table tt1:table-handle.

run _proc-table-export(input table-handle htt by-reference,stream s-export:handle).
output stream s-export close.

procedure _proc-table-export private:
    define input parameter table-handle p-htt.         /* temp-table handle    */
    define input parameter p-str as handle    no-undo. /* output stream handle */
end procedure. /* proc-table-export */