text color

I am trying to come up with an off blue color for my text using PDF Include. I downloaded some freeware called color spy and it told me the red,green,blue values for the color I am trying to create are 25,123,181. when I code the following statement the result is I cannot see any text at all. What am I doing wrong?
"RUN pdf_text_color ("pdffile",25.0,123.0,181.0)."

Picture0001.jpg14.82 KB


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text color

That was perfect! God bless you.


You don't use the RGB values, you use the color code value divided by 255.

So in your case, try this:

RUN pdf_text_color ("pdffile",.098,.482,.710)

You may need to play around with rounding as to the number of decimal places and actual value.