gives "System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission" error

Project:Proparse Project
Category:support request

I have installed Prolint with Proparse.NET at the office. For some people (like myself) it works without problems, but most people get error "java.lang.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=blah' failed"

The error comes when proparse is about to read file "proparse.schema", that was written by schemadump1.p, using method org.prorefactor.core.schema.Schema.loadSchema(String from)

The file "proparse.schema" is freshly created in the -T directory, which is "c:\rtbwork".
The assemblies are on a network share and we have use Caspol to give fulltrust to that share, otherwise the assemblies would not run.
We have tried several testscenarios: prowin32 is on local disk, prowin32 is on network share, proparse is on local disk, proparse is on network share.

We think that we need to do something with Caspol.exe to grant permissions. But what? It's a mysterious tool with a million switches, most of which I don't understand.