How to prepare the PDF Form file so as fill it with PDFInclude

Good afternoon!

I´m trying to fill a PDF Form with PDFInclude. I've investigated some and I've found that the problem is the PDF Version.

I opened the PDF Sample "sample/support/POForm62.pdf" and saw that the version is a.5 (Acrobat 6.x) but when I use Adobe Acrobat 9.0 to create the PDF Form with the same "Version" this file doesn´t work.

The idea is great... Create a Word Document, print it in PDF Form and later create the PDF Formm so that fill it with PDFInclude... but... It doesn't work!!!

The common errors that I got are:
+ Error Page ID
+ Wrong PDF (PDF created)

Can anyone submit the RIGHT WAY AND TOOLS to create a PDF Form in order to fill it with PDFInclude.

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never done that myself, but

never done that myself, but pdfinclude only supports pdf 1.4, so you should at least write your pdf form as pdf 1.4.
maybe you could try openoffice to create a form? did not try either, but I know that generally speaking, openoffice generated pdf files are well supported.

ok I just generated a form

ok I just generated a form using, and changed pdfextract so that it works. You can try the version attached.

Did not manage to fill the checkbox/radiobox yet, and cannot attach a odt file because of oehive limitation...

Try this one and tell me if it works!

formFillOOo.p1.09 KB
formOOo.pdf11.36 KB
PDFextract.p103.11 KB

Last version with correct

Last version with correct support for aligning contents in fields (center, right).
With this version generated forms are supported! No more need for an expensive Adobe licence...

I'll soon publish it in the SVN.

pdf_inc.p529.62 KB
PDFextract.p103.86 KB

How are the OO forms being created?

Hi Jice,

Thanks for the updates. I have tested the code using your example and it works great. However when i try and generate one myself in OO i cant get it to work. Are you able to walkthrough the process of the way you create the form in OO?

I am still getting the 'No B_TT_Object record is available' message.



OO 3.3

I was using OO 3.3 to create the forms. This was not allowing to me create forms that were usable in pdfinclude. I have retro installed OO 3.1 and now it works fine (also using the updated code for pdf_inc.p and pdfextract.p).

Old version of OO 3.1 is available here I know this is a temp measure until the guys find a fix for this but allows you to get going.

