Using Adobe Acrobat Pro w/ PDFInc

Project:PDF Include project
Category:support request

Hi All,

I have used open office to create a document, exported it to pdf and left blank areas where i wish to place 'Form Fields' from adobe acrobat pro. when blank the document works in PDFInc no problem when i add the form fields in then Save As... etc then try and use this document it kicks out an error about the page, see below:

The error returned = "pdf_use_PDF_page Invalid Page # for PDF ID = fs stream = spdf"

Here is the code i have used.

{ pdf_inc.i "THIS-PROCEDURE"}


RUN pdf_new ("Spdf","c:\testformfill.pdf").

RUN pdf_open_PDF("Spdf","c:\testform1.pdf","fs").

RUN DoNewPage.

RUN pdf_close("Spdf").

/* ------------------- INTERNAL PROCEDURES ------------------------- */
RUN pdf_new_page("Spdf").
RUN pdf_use_PDF_page("Spdf","fs",1).
RUN pdf_fill_text("Spdf","Date","99/99/9999","").


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I suppose the latest versions of acrobat are not supported in pdfinclude.
I do not have this software to test myself, and it's been a while since nobody modified this part of the code.
Must be a problem in the parsing of the acrobat generated pdf file in pdfextract.p. Could you please send it to me? (I'd rather a patch to fix the issue ;-)



The code i have used is in the original post. is there anything else i do to assist?




yes, can you please create such an "invalid" document from acrobat and attach it to this page? I will try to see if there is an easy fix (don't promise anything though, very little time to dedicate at the moment)


Here is the requested pdf with form fields created via acrobat pro.

Thanks for your help!


FreeServicing2.pdf8.17 KB


Currently pdfinclude supports pdf 1.4.
before any deeper investigation I noticed that your pdf file is pdf 1.6, this would be a possibility. It does not have the 1.4 xref part at the end either, which could explain the problem.
I'm on vacation starting today, so I don't think I'll be able to have a look before october.
Can you please try to save as pdf 1.4 and tell us if that works? If not, then attach the 1.4 document here again?
Thanks in advance



Still no further forward when saving the document as version 1.4. I have attached this docuemnt.

I have only attached one form field for testing purposes.

Enjoy your Holiday, hope to hear from you when you return.

Thanks again,


fstest.pdf8.15 KB


nice, I've fixed a small problem, and now my Progress 9.1E session crashes ;)
in LoadObjectPointers, pdf_extract.p:
IF INDEX(text-ptr,"~/Prev") > 0 THEN DO:
text-temp = TRIM(SUBSTR(text-ptr, INDEX(text-ptr,"~/Prev") + 5)).
text-temp = REPLACE(text-temp,"~/"," ").
text-temp = REPLACE(text-temp,">>",""). /* 14-JAN-2011 jcc: might happen ;) */
prev-ptr = INT(ENTRY(1,text-temp," ")).

add the line with the comment.
gonna investigate a little bit.


Anyway the version I'm about to publish has support for forms generated directly with
You just have to open the from toolbar, add some fill-in, choose each fill-in name to match what you want, then export to pdf. I will put an example in the samples directory.
@xscottehx: might we close this one?


The very last version I just uploaded (rev. 136) opens and processes correctly fstest.pdf, the form is filled. Can you please try with the full form, saved as pdf 1.4?