Prolint with Proparse.Net

I have completed the work necessary to get Prolint running with Proparse.Net. You will find downloads and instructions at

This means that, on Windows, you will be able to run Prolint against 10.2 ABL syntax.

It also means that any new development done on Prolint can take advantage of direct access to Proparse's classes and objects, just like you can with other .Net assemblies.


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jurjen's picture

assemblies.xml for Proparse.Net

I have finally installed OpenEdge 10.2 so I can try Prolint with Proparse.Net, yeah!
first step: add a reference to the Proparse assembly into file "assemblies.xml".
WTF? file assemblies.xml does not exist anywhere in the OE directories and I also can't find an example of such file in I suppose I have to create one from scratch, but I can't guess what the format is and what is supposed to be in there. Some example or documentation might help. I gave up searching.

So I'd like to ask: can someone please please please get me started by providing a copy of "assemblies.xml", preferably one with a reference to Proparse in it? Or a hint to documentation so I might understand how to create a valid assemblies.xml?

jurjen's picture


Found it! Create a project in OpenEdge Architect, then find the "Assemblies" menu-option in project properties. Use the wizard to add "", the wizard now creates new file "assemblies.xml" in the root directory of the project which works because it is in the Propath.
It looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assembly name=", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cda1b098b1034b24"/>

Next challenge was "The assemblies must be in a directory where OpenEdge can find them". A bit more specific would be nice, because who knows where OpenEdge will be searching for assemblies? Not somewhere specified in assemblies.xml as one might expect. I decided to simply drop the assemblies in the same directory where the infragistics stuff was ($dlc\bin\infragistics\winforms) and that works, although it does not belong there. If someone has a better suggestion, please let me know.

john's picture


Sorry Jurjen! I should have made notes about how I did things. I guess I didn't because I'm sure other people do this differently.

I use the -assemblies startup option to specify the directory where the assemblies.xml file is. I use a directory named assemblies at the top of my project.
In OE Architect, Project Properties -> OpenEdge -> Startup parameters:

-assemblies assemblies

I put my assemblies (*.dll) into that assemblies directory, and my assemblies.xml file looks the same as yours, except that I blank out the version number so that I don't have to update it with each new release of Proparse.