PDF Include slow


We've been using pdf include with several of our customers now and all works well. Except for one customer: it takes more than 5 minutes to generate a 24-page pdf, whereas this normally only takes about 20 seconds with ohter customers' systems.

The client is working in a Terminal Server environment with a very tight security policy. We suspect that this might be causing the slowdown, but we don't know what to look for.

Could you give us possible reasons for a slowdown? Have you ever heard from other people that reported the same problem?

Are there any temporary files/directories that are used which should have full permission? Is there any operation in the code that might be interrupting with the firewall or vice-versa?

Thanks in advance for your information!


Steve Malfroidt

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As pdfinclude creates a lot of temporary files, check that session:temp-dir is a local drive.

temporary files saved to the

temporary files saved to the session:temp-dir directory. if it is on drive has heavy traffic, it can cause slowdown because pdf_inc generates a lot of temp-files especially when extract segments from template files.


sorry for the duplicate answer, had not seen yours :p