Managing user privileges


Lets suppose my current progress session(Version 10.2c) is having a database COMMON running on it. This database has 3 tables Customer, Order & Service.

Now I want to restrict certain user 'A' to be allowed to view data in Customer table only i.e. this particular user should not have insert, update or delete rights. It can only view data in one of the tables of COMMON database.
Assumption : User will be using procedure editor which they will be starting using mpro from command line to view data in Customer table.

I know there is a 'GRANT' statement in progress that does something like above but I have not been able to get it working yet.

Please suggest possible solutions.


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Ok here is what I

Ok here is what I did:

-started Common db with -S parameter.
- started sqlexploer with the same -S parameter used for starting Common db.
- in SQLexplorer executed 'grant select on Common.customer to $user;', it says...

=== SQL Exception 1 ===
[DataDirect][OpenEdge JDBC Driver][OpenEdge] Table/View/Synonym not found (7519)

Is this happening because of a missing JDBC/ODBC connection ?

Am using linux ubuntu version please suggest how can I configure a JDBC/ODBC connection to run SQL queries from this SQLexplorer ?

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You might start

You might start here

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GRANT is going to apply to

GRANT is going to apply to SQL queries, not people doing things in the procedure editor. There are dictionary fields for access permissions like can-read and can-write, but frankly, if you let someone into a procedure editor, you have opened wide the door.

GRANT Statement in Progress

The proper syntax to grant SELECT privileges to a user is: grant select ON table_name TO username

The following is an example granting SELECT privileges to user John on table pub.customer

grant select on pub.customer to John

You are only able to grant SELECT privileges on a table by table basis. In other words you can not grant a user SELECT privileges on all tables in one statement.