Bits & Bytes


    Who  Full name         
    ---- ----------------- ------------------------
    JTP  Jeff Pilant
    PT   Patrick Tingen

Revision History:

  Ver  Who  Date         Description
  ---- ---- ------------ --------------------------------------------------
  1.0  JTP  06-Mar-2002  Created (TXT, XLS)
       JTP  06-Mar-2002  Added (CSV), prompt for filename
       JTP  ??-???-2002  Added (BRS)
       JTP  11-Apr-2002  Added AutoFit to Excel output
       JTP  23-May-2002  Fixed ExcelColumn()
       JTP  08-May-2002  Changed default column width for excel to a
                         Added Title Row code to Excel output
       JTP  13-Sep-2002  Added code to fix Title Row to always be row 1
       JTP  10-Oct-2002  Added ability to do csv, txt, or xls files if
                         type not given
       JTP  16-Jul-2003  Added Sylk file type
  1.1  JTP  08-Sep-2003  Fixup Sylk date format for dates before 1/1/1900
                         Added df file type [From code found at:
                           thanks to Tony Lavinio and Peter van Dam]
       PT   22-Oct-2003  Added ,"character" to substring and length
                         functions to support multi-byte codepages.
                         [JTP: Adds compatability for other Code Pages]
  1.2  PT   31-Oct-2003  Changed parameter ft to cOptions to provide
                         more options for the requested behaviour.
                         This is backward compatible.
                         Added options: FileType, FieldList, SkipList,
                                        ExcelAlert and ExcelVisible
       JTP  01-Nov-2003  Folded in PT's changes and rewrote the column
                         autofit portion of the excel code.
       PT   02-Dec-2003  Added options: Grid, GridCharHor, GridCharVer,
                                        GridCharCross, GridInterval, GridField
                         Added options: Append, Labels, FirstOfList, Title
                         Added HTML documentation.
                         Added XML mode.
                         Moved code and vars to internal procedures.
       PT   12-Jan-2004  Use the name of the field as the XML tag, not the label
                         since the label is more likely to hold undesired chars.
                         Added some comments to procedures and functions.
       PT   09-Feb-2004  Added support for writing array fields to XML


The authors of this software tried to deliver a decent piece of work. However, this software is provided 'as is', so use it - or do not use it - at your own risk. The authors accept no liability whatsoever on the use of this software. If you find a bug or you do have a brilliant idea to increase the functionality, feel free to contact Jeff Pilant (see 'Contribitors').