Harvesting Editor - 5

The harvesting editor will be created as an Eclipse plug-in for use in the context of the OpenEdge® Architect or independently. The mechanism for interface to a UML tool is a matter needing further study.

Consideration should be given to implementing the rules as written in an ABL subset or something that looks a great deal like ABL and then compiling these into Java for execution. This would make it considerably easier for a non-Java programmer to extend the editor for his or her own needs.

Later Developments
The long term goal is to advance this technology to the extent that we can achieve automated extractions without the need for operator intervention. When development has advanced sufficiently to begin doing automated extractions, we should probably branch the code development so that there continues to be a harvesting editor available for those who will not use our development technology.

Consideration should be given to enabling rules that will mark unused variables as chaff and which will identify any dead code.

To see sample images, download PDF on the main page.