directories and packages

A couple of recommendations:

We should separate Julian's good stuff from my sample/test junk, and put the good stuff into the /trunk svn directory.

We should also use a better permanent package home than "proparseclient". I recommend "org.oehive.proparse".

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jurjen's picture

.. while you are at it,

.. while you are at it, maybe also make sure that directory "proparseclient" (or its new name) does not need to be an entry in the Propath. I mean, currently some stuff in there is referenced as "proparseclient/foo.p" (parent must be in propath) and some others as just "bar.p" (so parent/proparseclient must also be in propath).

I thought that I had caught

I thought that I had caught all of that. If you find something, please let me know.

All code should now refer to org.oehive.proparse or org/oehive/proparse

Wow ! Thanks!. So we'll be

Wow ! Thanks!. So we'll be moving Blobutilities into trunk and keeping the rest in with the sample/test ... ;)

Seriously, both very good suggestions. Will you do it ?

I'll do it. I've got some

I'll do it. I've got some changes that I should upload anyway.