Fix Windows file references for unix

May 2008 by John Green.

Find and fix code developed on Windows so it has file references which are portable to unix.

Does the following for RUN *.p, RUN *.w, and for include file references:

  • Makes sure forward unix-style slashes '/' are used rather than Windows back-slashes '\'.
  • Makes sure that letter-case in the RUN or include ref matches the letter-case of the actual file name.


  • NOTE that ProRefactor writes potentially large amounts of data, and that this script may use large amounts of CPU, memory, and disc space.
  • This script requires Proparse 3.1C or later, and a recent (May 2008) release of prorefactor.jar.
  • You must have ProRefactor and Groovy scripting set up. See:
  • Configure in your current working directory.
  • Run the script: groovy FileRefs.groovy

Copyright (c) 2008 Joanju Software ( All rights reserved.
Released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0:

groovyfilerefs.zip8.82 KB