false positive by rule "tablename"?

The tablename rule excludes the fields in the except/using option of the buffer-compare statement. Is there a valid reason this rule has to fire for fields in the except/using phrase of buffer-compare statements or is this a false positive?

The following statement gives a rule violation on the custnum and name field.

BUFFER-COMPARE sports.customer EXCEPT custnum name TO tCust SAVE RESULT IN lCompare.

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jurjen's picture

re: False positive by rule "tablename"

I guess it is a false positive.

When you look in the sourcecode prolint/rules/tablename.p at internal procedure "ExcluseUsing", you see that BUFFER-COPY and BUFFER-COMPARE are both handled as exceptions.
But when you look at internal procedure "ExcludeExcept" you see that only BUFFER-COPY is handled. That is inconsistent, I think BUFFERCOMPARE should be added.

jurjen's picture

re: False positive by rule "tablename"

I have fixed this and checked it in into subversion:

re: False positive by rule "tablename"

Jurjen, thanks! it does the job now correctly.