Excel howto


Tips and examples for communicating with MS-Excel.


by Jeff Pilant

Sites with information to write *.XLS directly:






Some Excel tricks:

1) To speed up the excel generation, you can disable the screen updating with the following:

chExcelApplication:ScreenUpdating = False.

and restore it with

chExcelApplication:ScreenUpdating = True.

2) If you don't need to see the spreadsheet at all while it is being created, then remove the following from your code:

chExcelApplication:Visible = true.

This makes Excel go a bit faster because it doesn't do any
displaying. Be careful of this one if you are still debugging.

3) Some Excel COM commands take more time than others. Note which take long amounts and maybe find a way around or without them.

4) Grouping assignments into a single ASSIGN statement helps a little bit.

5) Some commands can be applied to a range of cells, like the

formatting of a set of cells to the same format. A single
assignment to set all the cells is faster than several
assignments to a single cell each.


In the Progress COM Object Viewer, select the help file,
select a method/attribute/... and press F1, if help is
properly installed you will get a help page about the
At least it is like this for Word/Excel...

Juan Nunez


KB# 18762 ACTIVEX - One Way to Manage Your COM-HANDLE References

KB# 19563 ACTIVEX - Reference Suggestion


How to find parameter info.

SaveAs example:

- Open the corresponding COM help file for the application: Vbaxl8.hlp
- Select the tab
- Type "SaveAs"
- Double click on "SaveAs Method". It brings up a window that breaks down the various parameters.
- Click on the link under the FileFormat property description. You will see a screen that lists all the variable/constant names used for this parameter.
- Run the Progress COM Object Viewer (proobjvw.exe) on the corresponding com object file: Excel8.olb
- Select the entry "XlFileFormat" (object name found on the help page above)
- Select the entry "xlExcel5" (again found on the help page)
- Read the info in the window
- Use the value listed (xlExcel5 = 39) as the value for the parameter


chWorkBook:SaveAs(chFileName, -4143,,,,,,, TRUE)


How to open an excel file program Progress:

    CREATE "Excel.Application" chExcel.
    chExcel:Visible = TRUE.


How to close an excel file program Progress:

    /* all prompts will be shut off/on */
    /* this prevents unsaved check     */
    chExcel:DisplayAlerts = false.
    /* Close the workbook, Excel still open */
    /* Exit Excel */


Progress COM Object Viewer:



How to acces the MS Help file for info:

MS Excel:

- Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\VBAXL8.HLP"
- On the find tab, type: Microsoft Excel Objects
- Double-click: Microsoft Excel Objects

MS Word:

- Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\VBAWRD8.HLP"
- On the find tab, type: Microsoft Word Objects
- Double-click: Microsoft Word Objects


Win32 Constants program contains many constants for SDK and Office: download here


Standard practice for MS Office:

- Start recording a VB macro
- Select the item you want
- Make the mods you need
- Stop recording
- Edit the macro for it's text
- Convert to Com-Handle style syntax for Progress