Temp-table Expositor

Contributed by Jeff Pilant

This program is designed to assist in the generation of output for other programs. Its basic function is to take a temp table and create a file with the contents of the temp table in a convenient form. Output can be to the screen via a browse, or to a file in any of the following formats: plain text (*.TXT), comma-separated values (*.CSV), Excel spreadsheet (*.XLS), Sylk spreadsheet (*.SLK), XML file (*.XML), and Dictionary Definition file (*.DF).

The program is called as follows:

RUN tt-file.p(temp-table tt-name:handle, filename, switch)

Note: If the definition of the temp table does not add the rcode information tag, then tt-file.p cannot access the label or format of the temp table. It will instead use the field's name and the data-type default format.

The filename, if needed and not supplied, will be prompted for. This file will be used to store the results of the program.

The switch is used to provide options to the temp table expositor. Below is a list of all options that are currently available. Some of the options do not work with all export types. In that case they are ignored and can do no harm. The options must be provides as a list, separated by CHR(1). Each option is in the form of: option:value

Some options require a logical value. A logical value may be given as 'true', 'false', 'yes' or 'no' or abbreviations of these. Only the first character is significant, so values of 't', 'f', 'y' or 'n' may also be used.

Some options require a list of elements. Whenever a list is required it can be provided, separated with commas.

The Options - Quick overview

Here is a quick overview of all options:
• FileType: determine the output type of the tt expositor
• FieldList: provide a list of fields to be shown
• SkipList: provide a list of fields to skip in the output
• Append: indicates to append an existing file or not.
• ExcelAlert: indicates to complain if a file already exists
• ExcelVisible: indicates whether Excel is visible or not
• Labels: indicates whether Column labels should be displayed
• Title: title of the brows
• ReturnList: list of fields to be returned (values)
• FirstOfList: display only fields that are different from the previous line
• Grid: display lines between rows and columns as a grid.
• GridCharHor: define the character to use as the horizontal separator.
• GridCharVer: define the character to use as the vertical separator.
• GridCharCross: the character at the crossing of a horizontal and a vertical line
• GridInterval: the number of lines between two horizontal gridlines
• GridField: if this field changes, a gridline is displayed.

* tt-file-13.zip for the core expositor;
* tt-file.doc for the Word documentation;
* tt-file_html.zip for HTML documentation; or
* all.zip to get everything plus additional work in process and notes files.

tt-file-13.zip241.54 KB
tt-file.doc122 KB
tt-file_html.zip9.59 KB
all.zip425.33 KB