Development Support Tools

Tools to assist in the development process

4GLTrace LOG-MANAGER Reporter

Reads output from a LOG-MANAGER:LOG-ENTRY-TYPE = "4GLTRACE:4" and reports the line number, date, time, statement elapsed time, total elapsed time, nesting level, action, action adjective, and remaining data in a columnar format

Code Standards - developing a manual

I am working on a manual of code standards for my division, and would appreciate input about this. I've incorporated (or adapted) many of the entries from the prolint lists of bugs, style improvement, performance enhancements, etc. Of course this will be a combination of helpful advice, common sense, ways to make the code more readable and re-usable, and ways to prevent problems down the line.

I will appreciate any suggestions or ideas that are sent in.

Widget Walker 1.06

The Widget Walker (also known as Widget Viewer and AttriVitoque) is a tool developed by Vito Imburgia at EMEA ETSC.

It helps a developer to preview what they can implement in 4GL (walking from one widget to another, changing an attribute, applying a method or an event) It's really effective when it is set in the proTools.

Tool to report index selection analysis for a query

This tool allows you to enter a query on a table, and reports detailed index selection information for you, including an index tree (of one or more indexes) that the compiler would construct for this query, plus an analysis of indexes for each node of the index tree to help explain why each index was chosen.

The source code for this tool (written in Progress 4GL/ABL V9.1) is included in the download. It is quite heavily commented to help explain all the compiler's index selection behaviour (including how/why multiple indexes are sometimes selected). The UI is very simple so it can be used i

Development Tools Group

A group for keeping track of Development Tools for ABL

This is a group for keeping track of all ABL development support tools on the Hive


PCT (Progress Compilation Tools) is a set of ANT tasks, designed to compile Progress® procedures and dump/load databases.

PCT is distributed under the Apache License.

This project was born due to the lack of automated Progress® code compiler. PCT is a command-line based tool, so it can be run in batch mode, to generate nightly builds for example. However, as PCT is a set of ANT tasks, your compilation tasks can be run using a graphical frontend to ANT.


Prolint is a tool for automated source code review of Progress 4GL code. It reads one or more sourcefiles and examines it for bad programming practice

Prolint is a tool for automated source code review of Progress 4GL code. It reads one or more sourcefiles and examines it for bad programming practice

When you are interested Prolint, you are encouraged to subscribe to this group where you find the on-line tools to collaborate and discuss Prolint. There is a discussion forum, you can submit issues (for bugs and enhancement requests), you can modify the on-line documentation. So subscribe, and then don't forget to go to your subscription details to enable the e-mail notification!

Dataset Viewer

Attached is the first version (written in OpenEdge 10.1a) of the Dataset.This program can show the contents of any dataset, including the records in the before table if present.

Enhanced Procedure Object Viewer (in Protools)

This is an enhanced version of the Procedure Object Viewer made by Sebastien Lacroix at the Progress European Tech Support.

It has been optimized to handle ADM2/Dynamics Smart Objects or anything that involves super procedures. It includes a Code Viewer and a Smart Object Property Viewer, and has an optimized GUI (resizable, context saved...) Update on the 24-Sep-2004: -OE10 and 9.1D. Can generate override code or code to interact with an object when an entry has parameters -can copy into the clipboard: property name/value, object name, entry name -Custom filters on window title (such as container builder).

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