Code Samples

Small fragments of ABL code which illustrate some principle or technique

Dynamic Query Tool Kit

A set of routines to aid with developing software containing dynamic queries. It greatly simplifies coding and readability.

With Progress Version 9.1, a very powerful feature was added to the language – dynamic queries.

Great as they are – it takes a lot of work to make use of this new feature. It is the purpose of this tool kit to aid with simplifying dynamic queries for the developer.

The tool kit provides a set of functions that can be used to open, navigate, extract data from, and close dynamic queries in a straight forward and easy to use manner. Calc Library

This is a collection of functions and procedures that provide an API to the Calc spreadsheet application. These were developed in Progress 9.1D using version 1.1.2 and have not yet been verified to work with version 2+.

This collection of functions and procedures will allow you to programmatically create Calc spreadsheets, add data, format columns, rows and cells and more!



This is a dynamic browserwindow, browse_exp.p in the zipfile, fed from a minimal repository to get the specific UI and query. It should compile starting from 9.1D as its most modern language-element is the CALL object. You can easily maintain the repository with the "browserbuilder" utility that I have put in this package also.

Win32 API samples

the Windows API reference library, formerly known as

This collection of code snippets used to be hosted on

It is an old collection: it all began in 1996 or 1997, when Progress 8 was new and many of us were still using Windows 3.1 !!

Unlike wine or paintings, program code doesn't get better when it ages. You can find fragments that can be improved because Microsoft continuously expands their API, or are outdated because Progress has added features to the ABL so we don't need to use the WIN32 API anymore.

Browser Based Viewer

The Browse is one of the most important and widely accepted widgets in the GUI environment. It is similar to ActiveX Grid controls like Videosofts VsFlex or Microsofts Data Grid found in other GUI programming environments like Visual Basic and Delphi. However, these non-Progress Grids provide some enhanced features not found in the Browse widget. One of these features is using the Grid as a Viewer. Well you can do the same in Progress too, and without learning any new non-Progress widget or control. This Browse Enhancement implementation uses a Browse widget with a Temp-Table based Free-Form Query.

added by:Hansdip Bindra


BrowseWithPic is a simple 4GL sample code to handle images in iterations of a browser. It requires a reliable key field (here custnum) to work. Perfomance is quite good (avg. 50ms to refresh), but we have ideas to improve it in a rather near future.

.NET Tips, Tricks, and Traps Web Seminar Sample Code

These sample codes are in reference to the PSDN Web Seminar .NET Tips, Tricks and Traps.

If you have any questions regarding the sample code, please contact David Olson.

From Progress to .NET and Back - The 'Round Trip' Process Webinar Code Sample

These sample codes are in reference to the PSDN Web Seminar 'From Progress to .NET and Back - The 'Round Trip' Process'.

If you have any questions regarding the sample code, please contact David Olson.

Updateable Browse Enhancements

The Updateable Browse is one of the most important and widely accepted widgets in the GUI environment. It is similar to editable ActiveX Grid controls like Videosofts VsFlex or Microsofts Data Grid found in other GUI programming environments like Visual Basic and Delphi. However, these non-Progress Grids provide some enhanced features not found in the Updateable Browse widget like: drop-down lists (grids) from an updateable cell, or dynamically making an updateable cell non-updateable without making the entire column non-updateable. Well you can do the same in Progress too, and without learning any new non-Progress widget or control (and worrying about memory-leaks!). This Updateable Browse Enhancements implementation uses a GUI Button, Updateable Browse Widget with Free-Form Query, dynamic Browse Widget, and of course Frames.

added by:
Hansdip Bindra

Representing Group/Members Using a Temp-Table Approach

Business Application programming using Relational Data Structures in all environments GUI, Web and CHUI, almost always involve the representation of Groups and its Members. These Group/Member relationships could be a Group of Customers by Sales Region, the Users in a particular Security Group, the States that belong to a Country, etc. There are various approaches to presenting this association between Groups and its Members, depending on the nature of the application, the programming and UI environment, and other user requirements. One of the most common presentation methods, used under GUI, Web and CHUI environments is known as the Left-to-Right method. Under this presentation methodology, the user is presented with a list of all potential Members for a Group on the Left and the current selected Members in the Group on the Right. This article provides an easy to use Temp-Table approach to the Left-to-Right method, whereby the developer can simply replace the custom fields in the Temp-Table (in the example code) to satisfy the needs of his/her application.

added by:
Hansdip Bindra

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