Code Samples

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Comprehensive Approach to Field Level Validation/Security

The Event Driven UI Model is based on Widgets (Fields) Buttons, Fill-Ins, Combo-Boxes, etc., that reside in a Window (in Progress a Field Group, which in turn resides in a Frame, whose parent could be a Window). Thus, the lowest and most comprehensive level of information validation can only be done at the Field Level. Validation encompasses, both, the actual checking of the information, and also the Security associated with the Field. If the user is not allowed to work with certain Fields on the Window, then those Fields should not be enabled for that user, thereby, reducing the possibility of invalid information from entering into the Database. The Field Level Validation/Security Approach presented in the article is based on the use of SUPER-PROCEDURES (Internal Procedures in them) and associating them with the SESSION Handle, Persistent Triggers, Walking the Widget-Tree, PRIVATE-DATA of Widgets, PROGRAM-NAME(), Text Validation Files (.Val), and Temp-Tables.

added by:
Hansdip Bindra

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