OE Development Tools

Whitepapers, discussions, and code related to tools for programming in ABL, analyzing existing code, and improving and transforming ABL code.

Code Documentation Tools

Tools and discussions related to documenting ABL code

Code Editors

Editors and tools for use with editors for creating ABL applications

Code Parsing

Umbrella category for all tools, utilities, projects, and topics which have to do with any sort of examination of 4gl/ABL source code.

Code Quality & Improvement

Tools for assessing the quality of existing code and/or for modifying it to comply to standards or other changes in structure or technique.

Development Support Tools

Tools to assist in the development process

Dictionary & Schema Tools

Tools for working with or exploring the Progress database schema

Framework Components

Components which can be included in a framework to ease development efforts.

OEA and AppBuilder Support and Supplement

Plugins and tools to help expand the OpenEdge Architect or AppBuilder

Testing Tools

Unit testing and other tools for testing ABL code.


abljsonabljsonJSON Parser for Progress ABL is a "wrapper" for the cJSON parser - ultra-lightweight, portable, single-file, simple-as-can-be ANSI-C compliant JSON parser.

The reader object can be used to load and parse a JSON string from either a file on the file system or from a character, longchar or memptr variable.

Preprocess, Debug, Xref view in OpenEdge Architect

Hi all,

When you are using OEA as your code editor, you probably also have the need to quickly view the preprocessed, debug-list or xref of the file you are working on. OEA does not support these features except (depending on the version) for the preprocess view. However you can customize OEA yourself so you can get these views easily.
Attached you will find the code and some documentation for implemented these features.
Hope you can use these and let me know if you have any bugs found or have any other comment.


Kees Vlasblom
Caesar Group

4GL Query Optimizer Base Line

4GL Query Optimizer Base Line.

If a company wants to back this project I believe we can have a running version within 2 to 3 month.

It is up to us to build one.

Application performance profile viewer

This profiler identifies performancebottlenecks in your application by analysing the logfile you create with the log-manager. ProfilerProfiler

Memoryleak inspector

Identifies possible memory leaks and their source by extracting those lines from logmanager output that point at created objects that are not deleted later on or allocated space that is not (fully) deallocated.
This analyser goes a bit further than http://www.oehive.org/node/846 and can handle OE 10.2A extra's


There's a very good plugin for Eclipse which integrates Eclipse with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. It's org.vssplugin developed by Marcus Nylander, unfortunately it's not been updated since 2007. The latest version is 1.6.2 and it was developed for Eclipse 3.2, so it doesn't work with 3.4 and higher. Since I work with a quite unique VSS configuration I desperately needed to modify this plugin but before that I had to make it work on Eclipse 3.4.



svnhook is a subversion hook for the old editor and appbuilder.

svnhook is compatible with Progress version 9 or higher and works on both Windows and UNIX/Linux.

svnhook is based on The Progress Standard Libraries version 01.01.02 or higher.


The Zip file comes with a procedure for loading files into your repository.

I recommend TortoiseSVN with WinMerge for browsing through your repository.




The libxlsx project has been moved to the Free DocxFactory Project.

KsvPlugin for OpenEdge Architect

KsvPlugin for OEA is a set of useful tools which allows you to make your work with OpenEdge Architect more productive and less painful. It softens project-centric paradigm of Eclipse allowing you to develop in good old way of Procedure Editor. The set includes some tools which were developed for Ksv Editor (a modification of Procedure Editor).


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