OpenEdge® Reference Architecture
Whitepapers, discussions, and code related to PSC's recommended application architecture. Includes framework components for building OERA-compliant applications and discussions of OERA topics of interest.

OERA Reference Implementations

Includes AutoEdge and any future reference implementations of the OpenEdge® Reference Architecture

UML, MDA, & Application Transformation

Code, Discussions, and Whitepapers related to the use of UML modeling tools and MDA (Model Driven Architecture) for code generation along with other tools for Application Transformation.

OERA Framework

Code, whitepapers, and discussions related to components for building an OERA-compliant application.

OERA Miscellaneous

Whitepapers, dicussions, and code not related to another OERA topic

UML Group

A group for all Hive content related to UML and modeling of ABL code

This group will be used to tag all OE Hive content which relates to UML, modeling, and the Enterprise Architect product. Subscribe to this group to be notified of any additions or changes to this content.

Using Enterprise Architect with OpenEdge

The Enterprise Architect product from Sparx Systems is emerging as the preferred UML modeling tool at many OpenEdge sites. In order to make it easy for people to get started using this powerful tool, information will be collected here to assist people in this process.

Mashup Example using AutoEdge

At Exchange 2007, a session entitled "Mashup Basics" was presented. In that session, we demonstrated the ability to add value to an OpenEdge application by 'mashing up' content from other sources. The examples we used were aggregated RSS feeds from Yahoo Pipes and a Google Map.

As many people are familiar with the OERA reference application (AutoEdge), we used it as the vehicle per se to demonstrate this capability.

Attached is a zip file with the modified code and instructions on how to implement this demo enhancement into your version of AutoEdge.

ABL2UML - Modeling Existing ABL Systems with UML

Given the need to enhance or transform a large existing ABL application, one is often hampered in the task by limited or out of date documentation. This project seeks to create a tool set that will read existing ABL code and the corresponding database to build a UML model of the application. This model can then be used for analysis and potentially can serve as the basis for future changes.

This project will consist of three stages:
1. Defining a UML "Profile" for ABL so that there are appropriate UML stereotypes to express the structural realities and relationships of ABL code and the corresponding dictionary.
2. Creating a tool for loading Progress dictionary information into a UML modeling tool using these stereotypes.
3. Creating a tool which will read and analyze ABL code and then load this information into a UML modeling tool using the stereotypes of the Profile.

OERA Strategies: Object-Oriented or Not?

The OpenEdge Reference Architecture (OERA) describes an overall structure and pattern for the architecture of modern applications, but does not in itself specify any particular implementation. Progress Software (PSC) has generated a series of whitepapers over recent years which discuss various aspects of this architecture with some sample code, but this code is limited in scope and there is no pretense of it illustrating production-ready techniques. More recently, PSC introduced AutoEdge, an “application example” meant to illustrate one way in which OERA principles might be applied in a real application, but it too is built on a number of simplifying assumptions and does not pretend to offer production ready code on which customers might build real systems without significant further work.

Context Management Code Example

This sample code complements John Sadd's white paper Implementing the OpenEdge® Reference Architecture: 8: Context Management.

AutoEdge After Market: Optimistic Locking change

By default, AutoEdge uses a "very" optimistic locking approach. That is, all changes are saved to the database without first checking to see if the modified record has in fact been changed. Here is one example of how optimistic locking could be implemented in AutoEdge.

AutoEdge After Market: Setup of OpenEdge Management + Replication

The attached zip contains scripts and instructions on how to setup OpenEdge Replication and OpenEdge Management with AutoEdge.

Harvesting Editor



PSC has created AutoEdge as an example application example to illustrate the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. The idea and purpose of AutoEdge is to provide practical definition and examples of OERA and illustrates many aspects of modern ABL and Sonic code and technique. AutoEdge is what an application, with certain ‘business requirements’, might look like if architected and designed following the OERA guidelines.

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