Widget Walker 1.06

The Widget Walker (also known as Widget Viewer and AttriVitoque) is a tool developed by Vito Imburgia at EMEA ETSC.

Widget Walker lets you see the Widget structure of a running 4GL application: attributes list and values, methods, events. You can walk from one widget to another, changing an attribute of your application and see on the fly the visual result, applying a method or an event, access with a right click the documentation for that specific attribute/method/event.

It helps developer to preview what they can implement in 4GL. It's really effective when it is set in the proTools. *After* running your application you will select the button set in the pro*tools and there you go.

The widget Walker opens showing the widget that has got the focus. It also has a treeview to show all the widgets of the session. You can browse the widget using the treeview and when you select the widget you can see all the Attributes values for that widget. If the attribute is settable you can change it, on the fly, by clicking the right mouse button. You will also see all the methods and events available for that widget and apply (always using the right click) one to it. All the changes will be reflected in the running application giving a good overview of what you can later implement by 4GL. You can walk through the other widgets not only by using the treeview on the bottom, but also by double clicking on a handle attribute. If one attribute points of the current widget point to another widget you will jump directly to that widget by double clicking. Right clicking on an row opens a pop-up menu that gives an overview of the actions possible for that attribute/method/event.

added by: Vito Imburgia