Getting Started

Working with Projects

Users of most IDEs are familiar with the concept of a project, but there are a few points of interest which are unique to Eclipse projects and ProRefactor.

Project Nature

Eclipse projects may have one or more natures. Because Eclipse is an IDE for many types of development environments, it also recognizes that any individual project could contain source code for two or more different sorts of development environments, for example, both C++ and Java. Each project nature describes various attributes for a project, such as which project builders are available within the project. (i.e. There would be a builder for compiling the C++ code, and a builder for compiling the Java code.)

ProRefactor provides its own project nature. Most of ProRefactor's features are not available unless you are working with a project which has the ProRefactor nature.

Create a ProRefactor Project

You can create a new Eclipse/ProRefactor project to refer to your existing Progress source code by choosing File > New > Project > Progress > ProRefactor Project.

Project Configuration

Select your ProRefactor project, and choose Project > Properties. Choose ProRefactor Environment in the categories on the left of the dialog. Do not enter any settings, because there is a way to have these settings generated automatically for you. But, you can click the Apply button to force ProRefactor to create the prorefactor subdirectories in your Eclipse working directory.

When you save the configuration settings for your project, ProRefactor creates the following directories in your working directory:


See Project Config Dump for a program that can be run from your Progress project environment in order to create the configuration files to go in prorefactor/projects/your_project_name.

Have a look at the Project > Properties > ProRefactor Environment page. Look for any relative path references in your PROPATH setting - they probably need to be changed to fully qualified paths.

Database Aliases

Proparse and ProRefactor need to know about your database aliases in order to parse your source code. In many cases, the configuration dump program will take care of adding those to your settings. If you want to add database aliases into the project settings dialog, the format is just a comma separated list of pairs of alias names and logical database names: aliasname,ldbname,aliasname,ldbname,... .