ABL(4GL) General Programming Group

This group is for topics on coding in ABL (formerly known as Progress 4GL). Topics include code snippets, code examples, utility programs, tricks, techniques, and patterns. There are other groups for other more specific topics like Win32 API, OO programming, and specific programming tools.

The Progress STandard Libraries (STL)

The Progress Standard Libraries

In general the libraries are compatible with Progress version 9 and upwards and are O/S neutral, unless noted differently.

To install the libraries place the slib/ directory in a directory on your PROPATH and you're ready to go, no need to change your PROPATH.

I usually just copy the slib dir to every project I do.

To use a library add the library include file to the external procedure file.

Although the libraries are essentially persistent super procedures.

GUI OpenEdge Password Meter

A password meter written in ABL.
It is database independent and uses the first connected database for the session.
By default it has 2 levels of strength that can be easily checked for and/or required: Strong Passwords and Xtra Strong Passwords
It checks for the following:
Required for strong passwords:
Length of 12 to 24 characters
Use of all 4 types of characters
Not the same as the previous 5 passwords
No personal names (first or last) and no company names or company acronym (hard-coded).

Required for Xtra strong passwords:
At least 2 upper case letters used

GUI OpenEdge Password Meter Example

GUI OpenEdge Password Meter Example

Password Meter Example

GUI OpenEdge Password Meter

GUI OpenEdge Password Meter

Progres command-line parameters

There used to be a list on the internet of Progress startup parameters. The list, maintained by George Potemkin, was famous for its "undocumented" parameters, but it appears that every link to the list returns 404.
Because it's a shame when such a beautiful list is lost, I have found an old copy and decided to publish it here. If someone has objections against republishing, please just let me know.

Progress Startup Parameters.

Last update:  December 20, 2004
by George Potemkin (potemkin@******.ru)

The source is available at:

Can't dump data using pro2my version 2 or 3 on centos with progress 9.1D

Hello to everyone!

Can anybody help me to run ptmd.p correctly? It doesn't dump the data nor create the .SQL files. It just outputs the status message "Processing ". My guess is that it does And how do i run a procedure in Linux command line without progress looking for the r-code? It just won't run without the rcode. I'm using mbpro and pro to execute the .p files... Help me please. Thanks.

Print versions of the Progress E-Zines are now available

It has been noted that once something is on the internet, it is there forever. Apparently, this is somewhat wrong for certain types of information. The Progress E-Zine collection continues to be available on the internet, but often it is tucked away in corners that are hard to find.

With this in mind, a three volume set of the E-Zines in bound printed form are now available. No more binders full of printer paper versions of the monographs, simply reach into the book shelf for the bound copy and enjoy.

The books can be purchased from these locations:




Temp-table Expositor

Contributed by Jeff Pilant

This program is designed to assist in the generation of output for other programs. Its basic function is to take a temp table and create a file with the contents of the temp table in a convenient form. Output can be to the screen via a browse, or to a file in any of the following formats: plain text (*.TXT), comma-separated values (*.CSV), Excel spreadsheet (*.XLS), Sylk spreadsheet (*.SLK), XML file (*.XML), and Dictionary Definition file (*.DF).

The program is called as follows:

RUN tt-file.p(temp-table tt-name:handle, filename, switch)

.NET + OpenEdge Webservices using ProDataSet

We are trying to create an application with a thought of SOA, for this we
have selected .Net UI and progress web services using prodataset.

Problem is that .net client is not able to find prodataset reference in
services which are taking dataset as input parameter (they need to create
an object of that type to pass to this service).

Need help installing OpenEdge 10.2 on Linux

Hi all,

I am currently trying to install OpenEdge 10.2 on a server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES Release 4. On this particular server, there are 4 databases that usually are only brought up a couple of times a week for testing purposes, but are then shut down after use, so at the time I am working on it, none of them are in use. Oh, those databases run off of the version 9.1d Progress currently on the same server.

Webservice Call problem

I'm trying to create a procedure with a call to a webservice and keep getting this error when i do the actual call to 'GetTodaysOutlook' (I am running on Release 10.1B03)

"Error creating SOAP Call parameter: The requested 'PSCAnyType' C++ type for the {http://www.xignite.com/services/}OutlookTypes XML type cannot be instantiated. Mapping to 'WASP_DII_String' was found. (11797)"

I did run the WSDL analyzer(bprowsdldoc) on the wsdl , but i still cant find out what i do wrong).
If there is anyone that can tell me what i do wrong, i would appreciate it, Code supplied below:


Difference between Character Client & Client


Right now i am working with Migration of Character Client (CUI) to GUI. So i want to know difference between normal client & character client and steps involving in migration of CUI to GUI.

If any one know then mail to me for this mail-id deivaa.revathi@gmail.com.

Thanks in Advance,

Object Browser

Object Browser

Creating subtotals in Excel from ABL

After a lot of research, trial and error, and general head-banging, I've come up with the formula to add subtotals to a range in an Excel spreadsheet, but I can't for the life of me put those subtotals into more than one column.
This is the syntax for subtotals on a single column:
xlwksheet:range(vrange):subtotal(1, -4157, 4).
xlwksheet is the worksheet object.
vrange is a text string containing the range in CR:CR format.
1 causes the subtotal to occur at each change in the first column of the range.
-4157 indicates the subtotal is to be a sum.

how can i use a blank graphical pdf file in my pdf file


Can anybody please let me know how to read PDF file using 4GL.

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