cut, copy and paste

A typical Windows application has an Edit menu with options for Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste. There are 4GL methods for making such a menu. This site usually does not cover 4GL methods, but I would like to make an exception this time because these 4GL methods are not documented. This was posted by email to PEG by Matt Gilarde:

Starting in 8.2A, Progress supports several new attributes and
methods which make implementing the Edit menu very simple.
Unfortunately, these features were added in the late stage of
8.2 development and were not adequately documented.  Briefly,
the new attributes and methods are:
Editor only:
EDIT-CAN-UNDO - TRUE if editor can undo last operation
EDIT-UNDO() - undo last operation
Fill-in and Editor:
EDIT-CAN-PASTE - TRUE if the clipboard contains pastable text
EDIT-PASTE() - paste clipboard text into editor or fill-in
EDIT-CLEAR() - delete contents of selection in editor or fill-in
EDIT-CUT() - cut selected contents of editor or fill-in to clipboard
EDIT-COPY() - copy selected contents of editor or fill-in to clipboard
The following methods and attributes will work for fill-ins in
Skywalker (they currently work only for editors):
Matt Gilarde - PSC Development