IE issue

Having trouble logging in, using Internet Explorer? Try deleting your cookies.


I ran into your IE issue on I normally use, but I also found that I could reproduce the problem with IE when I went to (Notice the "www" that I don't normally use).

The "www" itself doesn't appear to be the real problem, but I think it did help me reproduce the issue.

I did some searching through, and found that this has been a big issue for a lot of people for a long time. Lots of people found lots of different solutions, but a lot of them were for older versions of Drupal, and some of them just didn't look safe to me.

I was able to clear the issue from IE by deleting cookies from IE itself: Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Cookies.

It's terrible to have a client side solution, but doesn't seem to have found a consistent, safe, reliable server side solution yet.

I'll promote this to the front page, in case anybody else has trouble.

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No problem at all

I used to browse in IE 6 before, now I am using IE 7. I have not seen any problem browsing in IE 7.

