How to Print PDF Files in duplex mode ?


Has anyone been able to print PDF files in duplex mode ?

I tried by "-o sides=two-sided-long-edge" option, and it's ok.
But i would like to set this option when creating PDF file.


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PDF file in duplex mode

Depending on what your environment is and what your trying to do, this might or might not help but we use ghostscript on Unix which converts the pdf to a postscript file. To make it print duplex, or not, here is the code we use to insert a line at the beginning of the file which tells the printer what to do:

IF lDuplex THEN
cOsCommand = ' ~{ print "statusdict begin true setduplexmode end" ; ' +
' cat ' + cPsPathFile + '.tmp ; } > ' +
cOsCommand = ' ~{ print "statusdict begin true end" ; ' +
' cat ' + cPsPathFile + '.tmp ; } > ' +

This way our application can control the duplex on a more dynamic basis.