Prolint tables and fields in round table

We are using prolint within round table.
I was wondering if anyone had done something to lint tables and fields (instead of source code) and have created any rules for this. (Using the roundtable info for validation)

Focco van der Vegt
Red Bee Media (UK)

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I'm not sure what you mean

I'm not sure what you mean by linting tables and fields.
We have created a procedure to check a database by reading _file/_field/_index.

It checks for the presence of certain fields and their initial value (e.g. creationDate must be initial today).
There must be a unique index on the id field

The procedure created 2 files, a report indicating what is wrong and a df-^file to fix it.

We use prolint and roundtable. This program is one of the steps in our procedure to make schema changes but not linked to either.