Computing Integrity - ABL to UML and UML Analysis Tools

Existing tools for analyzing legacy ABL code have limited scope and capability. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an established standard for analysis and design in Object-Oriented languages with rich tools and a large body of expertise available. In recent years, UML has been growing in popularity in the ABL world, but primarily for new projects.

Building complete UML models of legacy code is a daunting task when done by hand, but now CI, in association with Joanju Analyst, has published ABL2UML, a tool for creating detailed UML models of legacy code automatically, directly from the dictionary and ABL source code. This alone can save thousands of hours of manual analysis in a transformation project, and creates the potential for automated transformation of the model and generation of modified code via Model-Driven Archtiecture technologies.

ABL2UML is now an open source product whose primary contributor has been Computing Integrity.

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