I'm reading Martin Fowler's refactoring and will work out some of his methods (which also apply to building new software) in this blog. Read this to get some background info:
Below a simple daterangeparameter object, and therebelow a procedure using the daterange object.
CLASS dateRange FINAL: DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE StartTime AS DATETIME NO-UNDO. DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE EndTime AS DATETIME NO-UNDO. CONSTRUCTOR dateRange (tStart AS DATETIME, tEnd AS DATETIME): ASSIGN StartTime = tStart EndTime = tEnd. END CONSTRUCTOR. METHOD PUBLIC DATETIME Start (): RETURN StartTime. END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC DATETIME End (): RETURN EndTime. END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC DATE dStart (): RETURN DATE(StartTime). END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC DATE dEnd (): RETURN DATE(EndTime). END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC INT64 Intv (intervalUnit AS CHARACTER): RETURN INTERVAL(EndTime,StartTime,intervalUnit). END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC LOGICAL EndAfterStart(): /* Endtime = ? is interpreted as 'far far in the future' */ RETURN IF EndTime > StartTime THEN TRUE ELSE IF StartTime NE ? AND EndTime = ? THEN TRUE ELSE ?. END METHOD. METHOD PUBLIC LOGICAL Includes(IncludedInRange AS DATETIME): RETURN EndAfterStart() /* otherwise it's not a range */ AND (IncludedInRange > StartTime AND (EndTime = ? OR IncludedInRange < EndTime) ). END METHOD. END CLASS. /* a procedure using the daterange object: */ RUN a (NEW daterange(12/30/09,01/02/10)). PROCEDURE a: DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER dateRange AS CLASS dateRange NO-UNDO. MESSAGE DATE(dateRange:Start()) daterange:endafterstart() daterange:intv('hours') daterange:includes(11/30/09) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX INFO BUTTONS OK. END PROCEDURE.