KsvPlugin for OpenEdge Architect 1.0.3-dev

Download: KsvPlugin_1.0.3.zip
Size: 39.36 KB
md5_file hash: cc9a71f318a141940e74fb7bb6fc61c8
First released: Wed, 2009-08-26 19:17
  1. If you open a file using plugin's tools, its syntax will be always highlighted as ABL file in spite of its extension
  2. If you have to edit an ABL file with a nonstandard extension, you can now reopen it as ABL file using the new Reopen as ABL file tool and use all ABL features while you modify it.
  3. You can now know what version of KsvPlugin you're working with. Use the About KsvPlugin tool for that.
  4. A new wizard for creating a new ABL file was added. It's called ABL File (ksv) and it can be found among the standard OpenEdge wizards. The new wizard allows you to create a new ABL file with any extension. It uses a template which is the .ksvprocedure file included into the package. When you create a new file the wizard looks for the template using your project's PROPATH and inserts it into the file replacing some tags. There are the following tags:
    • <name> filename
    • <date> date of creating a file
    • <who> author of a file
    • <year> year of creating a file
    • <comment> description of a file
  5. The work of all tools became more reliable because the more reliable function is now used for detecting your current OpenEdge project. The previous function had some shortcomings.