Authorization Service

Bruce Gruenbaum
The Authorization Service is responsible for verifying and applying permissions and policies to the user that is logged in. Again, most of its implementation resides in an LDAP or other service, but the Authentication Service allows for this to be abstracted so that LDAP can be swapped out for something else.

Thomas Mercer-Hursh
One of the interesting questions about authorization is who asks the question. E.g., it doesn't do much good to have a user session ask whether or not it is authorized to do something unless the path to the controlled resource is also working with the same authorization. E.g., take the question of whether the user is authorized to update the Customer table. If the session has a database connection, it is pretty hard to keep it from updating the Customer table, no matter what the service says unless the user is confidently trapped in an application which is going to conform to this limitation. Ideally, no one could access the Customer table directly so that one would have to go through the mediation of a Customer data access object to do anything to the Customer table. But, there is also a question of overhead since, if this data access object is stateless, then it needs to keep banging away on the authorization service for every record.

Initial content adapted from an exchange on the PEG